#NHBPM Nov 30th LAST ONE! Play that Horn

Posted on November 30, 2011


Prompt: Play that horn. Want to hear a secret? You’re awesome. (It’s actually not even really a secret.) This is going to be hard for you, O Modest One, but you gotta give yourself props today. Write three things you love about yourself – things you’re great at – or just want to share. Don’t you dare signpost or undercut those self-compliments!

  1. The fact that I created FoodAllergyTalk.com in middle school, and have developed it to what it is today. Not only that, but I’m the logistics chair for the AZ walk for Food Allergy–which is a lot of work! But well worth it on walk day 🙂 Starting the club at ASU has been a challenge, but the fact that I’m attempting it says a lot. I’m very determined, an extremely hard worker, and passionate about health and helping others.
  2. No matter how many times I get kicked down, or tripped… I ALWAYS find a way to get back up and work hard to prove that person/thing wrong. I am capable of anything, as long as I put my attention and desire towards achieving the goal, I will do it.
  3. I am fearless. I go in to things head first, even if I know I’ll be laughed at, or made fun of. I had an idea for my thesis that was not supported by my genetics professor, but I had the guts to present everything I had–to go into his office hours with only a faint idea of what I wanted to argue, and then to take the criticism and words from him saying it was most likely “not true.” I don’t stop there. I believe what I have is something to look into, so what did I do? Revised my idea, re-thought things, gathered more evidence, and narrowed my argument. Then I made an appointment with the Dean of the Barrett Honors College. In a personal meeting with him, I again presented everything I had. This time, I was on to something! From there, it’s taking off. I will be meeting with some professors this week to secure an “adviser” to work with on my thesis. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I’m ready to tackle it head on!

Thank you so much for following me on this new journey! I really enjoyed participating in the National Health Blog Post month! It was different, and I love trying new things! I look forward to participating again next year 🙂

Keep checking back for new blog posts!


Andrea Garza

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